Happy St. Patricks Day!

Hey! It’s Jackie here just wanted to say happy St. Patricks day! You probably know that leprechauns are Little creatures that protect a pot of gold and you can find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow but did you know that their is no female leprechauns? Here’s a little more about Leprechauns.
Leprechauns are very sneaky and tricky. Their about 2 feet tall, very unfriendly, and like to avoid everyone and everything. They prefer to pass time by making shoes for other fairies. since they are very thrifty, they are trusted to protect fairy treasures. Leprechauns hide their pot of gold very carefully to make sure no one finds it. But rainbows and the sound of a shoemaker’s hammer provide humans with clues to were the pot of gold is located. According to legend, if you catch a leprechaun, you can force him to tell you were he hides his treasure. But be careful, if you look away for even a second ( and he will try to trick you to do so) he’ll disappear and take his treasure with him. so remember to keep your eye out for rainbows and other things that could lead you to th pot of gold!


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4 thoughts on “Happy St. Patricks Day!

  1. Dear Jackie,
    When i was little, i wanted a pet leprechaun, but they seem really mean, so i think im alright without one. I never knew that they were that sneaky.
    Sincerely, Olivia Y

    • Dear Olivia,
      Ya at first I never thought that they were so sneaky but now I do! When I was little ( like all other little kids ) I wanted more than anything, a pony. But that never happened 🙁 .

      Jackie :mrgreen:

  2. Hi Jackie,
    I know that St Patrick’s day is in March and our school celebrates it because were St Patrick’s Primary School. We have a game day and a school fair. What we do at the game day is that the year 8 plan a game and do the game that they planned. We are split into teams Red, Purple, Blue and Yellow. The games the Year 8 do is that they are paired up and choose out of the Junior’s or the seniors and just play there game. At the end of the day we do relays and Tug a War this my team which was Purple won yay.
    We have lots of Fun on this day.
    Sara 🙂

    • HI Sara! That sounds really cool! we do something similar we call it “field day” and we do all different kinds of fun activities too but our gym teacher chooses the things that we do. We are actually having field day today! talk to you later!

      Jackie :mrgreen:

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