Read This!

A few years ago I discovered the book “school of fear” by Gitty Daneshvari. Some of you might have heard about Gitty Daneshvari she has written many books but my favorite is the “school of fear” series, it has so much action and is very funny. You’ll have to read it to find out what it’s about, I’m not going to spoil it! “School of fear” is a series and the other books sequel “school of fear”, the other books are called, “school of fear class dismissed” and “School of fear the final exam”. I hope you get to read them! Click on the link in ‘blogroll’ to visit her website!




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Talent Show!!

Friday at my school we had a talent show! A lot of people who were in the show have really cool acts. For my act my friends and I were dancing to a Katy Perry song called E.T. We had a black light that made the white things on us to glow and we had glow sticks on us to light up the rest of our bodies ( we were wearing black and some white). It was really cool. I was also helping out ( I was security ). All you have to do is make sure that the people that are in the show get along with the ushers. And if their is any problem just let some one know. I had a lot of fun and at the end the people who helped out got to eat pizza! If only this wasn’t our last year at our school 🙁 .

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Happy St. Patricks Day!

Hey! It’s Jackie here just wanted to say happy St. Patricks day! You probably know that leprechauns are Little creatures that protect a pot of gold and you can find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow but did you know that their is no female leprechauns? Here’s a little more about Leprechauns.
Leprechauns are very sneaky and tricky. Their about 2 feet tall, very unfriendly, and like to avoid everyone and everything. They prefer to pass time by making shoes for other fairies. since they are very thrifty, they are trusted to protect fairy treasures. Leprechauns hide their pot of gold very carefully to make sure no one finds it. But rainbows and the sound of a shoemaker’s hammer provide humans with clues to were the pot of gold is located. According to legend, if you catch a leprechaun, you can force him to tell you were he hides his treasure. But be careful, if you look away for even a second ( and he will try to trick you to do so) he’ll disappear and take his treasure with him. so remember to keep your eye out for rainbows and other things that could lead you to th pot of gold!


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On Saturday I went snow boarding at Wachusett Mountain with my Mom, Dad, and Sister. I had so much fun! I had never been snowboarding before but when I was little I took a skiing lesson but I didn’t like it. Snowboarding is so much fun! At first it was hard, but I have been practicing in my front yard. When we first went up the ski lift I was freaked out because I had never been on one before. I thought that it pushed you off the hill and you just had to go down, but you go off to a separate part ( out of the way of other people coming off the ski lift so you can strap in your boot)and go when your ready.( with snowboards you only have one foot strapped in when you go up the ski lift , so you have to strap the other foot in). The great thing is I only face- planted twice! I would recommend going there to anyone! Here are some pictures!



This is were we went.
This is the ski lift.

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The 2013 spelling bee

On Friday we had our 2013  spelling bee. I’ll tell you who placed 1st, 2nd,and 3rd.In 3rd place (for 6th grade) Jacob B.! In 2nd Trey W.! and in 1st place (drum roll please!)…. Emily B.!!

Now for 5th grade in 3rd place Jesse M.! In 2nd place Isabelle F. ! And last but certainly not least our 1st place winner for fifth grade (drum roll please)…. Ayah A.

Congratulations to all of the spelling bees participants and our winners!

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welcome to my blog!

I’m so glad you found my blog! I’m so excited to be sharing all these great things with you.Remember to visit my blog and write new posts. I’ll try to put up posts ASAP. So remember to tune in. Also remember to tell your friends about my blog! Thanks! :mrgreen:





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